Land Yacht

Land Yacht
Ernie and Bert

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

We are back !

So I am not the best blogger...

No we did not fall off the planet or get eaten by bears !  We did however, find that internet is not as available in Canada as it is in the US.  Our cell phone company wanted to charge us LOTS of money for just a few minutes of data time so we just did without.  I did send a few pictures via Facebook that would often take HOURS to download.  If you would like my Facebook ID please ask Wayne or I for it.  I can always use a new friend :)

We have had requests to complete the blog of our trip, so over the next few weeks I will go back and create blog entries with pictures to share our trip with you.

Just some numbers for you of our trip....

Days out:  June 3 to August 22, 2014 for a total of 81 days

States we stayed in : 15
Provinces we stayed in: 2

Miles we drove in RV:  8,551
Miles we drove in Jeep: 3,122

Pictures taken: somewhere around 17,000

Summary:  We live in a beautiful country, go visit it.  You will not regret it :)

Wayne started work again in New Hill on Sept 2.

We both had a great time and are already planning our trip for next summer !!!

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